Artist at work...

Isabella N
Administrative Assistant

Isabella's journey to Green Lake Jewelry Works is rooted in her extensive background in the arts and higher-end retail. Born and raised in Seattle, Isabella grew up intimately familiar with the local community. She pursued her passion for the arts at Fairhaven College at Western Washington University, where she majored in Art Direction and Arts Management and minored in East Asian Studies and Art Enterprises and Cultural Innovation. Before joining the jewelry industry, Isabella honed her skills in the world of high-end retail. Green Lake is Isabella's first foray into the jewelry industry, but her enthusiasm for learning and her love for gems and jewelry design make her a perfect fit.

Outside of work, Isabella's artistic pursuits are boundless. From drawing and painting to sewing and embroidery, she constantly has her hands busy with creative projects. Recently, she even started weaving on a loom. Isabella finds inspiration in various forms, and her favorite gemstone, the green-blue sapphire, reminds her of the vastness of space. At Green Lake Jewelry Works, she combines her organizational skills with a desire to learn and grow, making her a cherished member of the team.