Artist at work...

Tyler P
CAD Modeler

Tyler is driven by the perfect blend of creativity and problem-solving that defines his role. He finds immense satisfaction in bringing a client's vision to life. This passion and dedication make him an exceptional CAD modeler, a field that merges artistry with engineering. Remarkably, Tyler is self-taught in CAD, a testament to his commitment and enthusiasm.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies with an emphasis on music and the humanities from Western Washington University. His journey to Green Lake began serendipitously while searching for a place to resize his wife’s engagement ring. We are fortunate to have him as part of our team.

Outside of work, Tyler’s creative pursuits extend to music, especially playing the guitar, and cooking. He enjoys these activities while spending quality time with family and friends. As a Seattle area native, Green Lake provides the perfect home base, close to his loved ones!